Social Entrepreneurship Experiential Program (SEEP)

Powered by Clean the World. Real-world impact is just a course away.

Online experiential learning project with a life-changing mission​

SEEP is a full circle program with the vision of helping others. Over the course of a semester, students are exposed to the world of social entrepreneurship by a variety of different learning tools including online courses, podcasts, and an impact project that provides hygiene supplies to those in need. Students gain valuable life experiences throughout the course of this reflective program and young people learn about social entrepreneurship, sustainability, personnel selling, non-profit management and other key aspects of helping the world become a better place. SEEP helps the next generation become social entrepreneurs and thought leaders in the area of sustainability. Sona Klucarova teaches Digital Marketing Media at UCF’s College of Business in the Marketing Department:

"I have been very fortunate to be able to test-drive Clean the World’s Social Entrepreneurship Experiential Program (SEEP) by implementing it into my Digital Media Marketing course at the University of Central Florida. I especially appreciate the flexibility of the SEEP curriculum in that each professor can easily adapt it to fit his or her specific class. In my particular class, I ask student teams to create digital marketing campaigns to fund a hygiene kit building event, donate the assembled kits to a local charity of their choice, and then create a website to document their journey through the SEEP project. At the end of the semester, I invite Clean the World representatives to attend students’ final presentations about their SEEP experience. My students and I have thoroughly enjoyed this collaboration, and I hope that many other professors will decide to implement SEEP into their respective courses."

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In 2016, Mark McConnell, associate Professor and chair of the Department of Economics, Account, and Business Administration at the University of Mount Union, participates each year with a unique curriculum benefiting Clean the World. “I believe the goal of education should be to empower individuals to change the world,” said Cody Rohaley, Mount Union Class of 2018. “Through Professor McConnell’s class, I learned how to sell. What we are selling through, changed the world by serving the families in our communities. No other class I’ve ever taken has given me that opportunity.”
Cody Rohaley
Mount Union Class of 2018

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