Innkeeper Patty Harrison of The Hummingbird Inn in Goshen, Va., is offering $100 “cold cash” to the B&B partner who brings the most soap and shampoos (measured by weight) to the conference. All soaps and bottled amenities will be donated to Clean the World to help children and families fight the spread of preventable diseases worldwide.
“I talked with [Clean the World managing director] Paul Till when Clean the World started two years ago and was immediately taken by the concept,” Harrison says. “When I was at the conference last year handing out collateral materials from Clean the World, I knew we could do something more to help highlight this amazing program.”
Clean the World, based in Orlando, Fla., enlists nearly 770 hotels and B&Bs in its hospitality partnership program, which allows for the collection and recycling of soaps and amenities that Clean the World distributes to people in need. So far the organization has distributed more than 7 million bars of soap throughout the United States and more than 40 countries.
Harrison is challenging her fellow innkeepers to make the most of their resources and leverage collective concerns for the environment by contributing soaps and amenities to Clean the World. Doing so, she says, is more than worth the time and effort.
“I wanted to challenge B&B owners to collect the most soap and see what we could accomplish,” says Harrison. “The $100 provides an incentive that I’m happy to offer for the cause. A little competition makes it worth their while.”
The conference is scheduled March 6-8 at The Eden Resort in Lancaster, Pa. Nearly 20 B&Bs are expected to participate in the soap collection and recycling challenge. All soaps will be turned in at the registration booth. They will be weighed and set aside. Harrison will announce a winner at the event.
“This is just a small piece of all the amazing things Clean the World is doing to help people all around the world,” she says. “It may not seem like much, but if each innkeeper contributes a little, we can accomplish big things. I’m grateful to be a part of it.”