Clean the World Paves the Way for Sustainable Hospitality Practices at GSTC Webinar

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Clean the World, in collaboration with Responsible Plastic Management (RPM) and Greenview, is thrilled to have presented as part of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) webinar series. This recognition underscores the significance of our collective efforts in driving positive, impactful change within the hospitality industry.

During “The Power of Soap and Plastic Recycling Programs – Active Hotel Sustainability” webinar hosted by GSTC, Clean the World EU presented our pioneering plastic and soap waste management solutions. Throughout our presentation, we delved deeper into the certifications and standards for our recycling processes through our partners RPM and Greenview.

Environmental Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry 

The collaboration between Clean the World, RPM, and Greenview serves as a beacon of change, illustrating the remarkable strides we are making within the hospitality industry. Our initiatives, including our Global Hospitality Recycling Program, empower the hospitality industry with the tools to support environmental, social, and governance factors.

We are overwhelmed by the response to our efforts, and we appreciate the opportunity from GSTC to share our efforts and hopes for the future of the hospitality industry. If you would like to join us on our mission to make the world a better place, start recycling with us today! Together, we can help reduce pollution and waste while supporting communities in need.

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