“Ever washed your hands in a hotel bathroom and wondered what happened to what was left of that tiny bar of soap after you checked out? So did Shawn Seipler. The answer—it gets thrown away—inspired the former tech entrepreneur to found Clean the World in 2009. The nonprofit now works with 8,000 hotel partners around the world to recycle soap, divert it from landfills, and send it to global NGOs working with young children living in poverty whose lack of access to this simple hygienic tool suffers high rates of sometimes fatal diarrheal disease and pneumonia. His main hotel partner, Hilton, will recycle soap from 90 percent of its hotels by 2020, and in the ten years since it started working with Seipler’s program, has been responsible 4 million pounds of soap being transformed into 11 million “new” bars to serve kids in 127 countries.” …