U.S. Senators Help Clean The World In Bipartisan Hygiene Kit Build

On, Wednesday, Sept. 17, we proved there are no political boundaries when it comes to the battle against hygiene-related illnesses. Legislators from both sides of the aisle joined Clean the World in the U.S. Capitol to promote hand-washing and proper hygiene in advance of Global Handwashing Day on Oct. 15. To kick off the event …

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Press Release: Las Vegas Sands and Clean the World to Lead Las Vegas Community Build of 100,000 Disaster Relief Hygiene Kits

Las Vegas Sands and Clean the World to Lead Las Vegas Community Build of 100,000 Disaster Relief Hygiene Kits National Preparedness Month effort mobilizes the Las Vegas community to build a bank of supplies that the American Red Cross will distribute to disaster victims in Las Vegas and throughout the United States LAS VEGAS – Sept. 8, 2014 …

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