Volunteers contributed more than 900 hours in June

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Volunteers from the Bush family.

When a grateful child in Uganda receives the gift of soap, her face glows with an ear-to-ear smile.

She may never know that the fragrant bar in her hand got its start more than 7,000 miles away in the hands of a volunteer in Orlando, Fla. But that doesn’t matter to the men, women and young people who give their time on the assembly line at Clean the World. They don’t do it for the recognition. They do it because they know it makes a difference.

Clean the World would never have made such a huge impact on the global hygiene revolution if it were not for the hundreds of volunteers who help process used soap at our headquarters in downtown Orlando. In June, more than 400 volunteers contributed approximately 952 hours of time.

Here is a list of organizations that helped out at Clean the World in June and early July:

    – Hands on Orlando
    – Christ Church Orlando

    – First United Methodist Church of Winter Park
    – Dayspring Baptist Church Refuge
    – Greater Orlando Baptist Association
    – Retail Downtown Disney
    – Summit Church
    – Campfire USA
    – The Bush and Simoneaux families

If your group would like to volunteer, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Rosanna Kingston by e-mail, or at 407-574-8353 ext. 114.

We would love to have you come in and get your hands clean!


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