It’s been more than two years since the island nation of Haiti was torn at its foundation by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. 300,000 people lost their lives in that natural disaster and millions more were injured as the nation was literally turned upside down.
For months afterward, the world’s attention turned to Haiti and its plight. Celebrities hosted benefit concerts, dignitaries staged fundraising events. Both groups gave lots of speeches and individuals and faith-based organizations offered even more prayers.
At Clean the World, we took action. With the help of our hotel partners and a network of volunteers and supporters, our soap recycling organization mobilized to bring relief to children and families throughout Haiti. More than 2 million soap bars and hygiene supplies have been distributed to Haitian villages with the hope of halting the spread of preventable diseases. And the mission continues.

Recently, the Cap Haitien Health Network, through the leadership of avid Clean the World supporter and advisory board member, Dr. Ted Kaplan, kept the spirit alive with another soap distribution in Haiti. With the generous aid of AEROBridge, which provided transportation and logistics to and from Haiti, Clean the World helped send 34,400 soap bars to medical clinics served by Cap Haitien Health Network in some of the poorest communities in Haiti.
And that’s not the only shipment Haiti has received in the past few weeks. International Children Rescue Ministries Inc. recently received a donation of 2,000 soap bars, 2,880 bottles of body wash, and 10,368 body lotions from Clean the World. The hygiene items will be distributed throughout communities, such as Kenscoff, where children and families are battling poverty and poor sanitation conditions.
Finally, Clean the World is proud to be recognized by the Haitian American Visionaries Association for contributing thousands of soaps and bottled amenities for inclusion in hygiene kits that H.A.V.A. distributes at medical clinics throughout the country. We have a beautiful wall plaque as proof of our efforts, but the real measure of this mission is in the healthy smiles of children in Haiti who benefit from improved health and hygiene through regular hand washing with soap.
Soap saves lives. Thanks for helping Clean the World in Haiti and beyond. The mission continues…